Dr. Firpo Carr, Ph.D.
Welcome to my more recent website. (See “Archives” on the menu bar above for my earlier website.) Its purpose is to “nourish your mind” spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, yes, holistically. As a research scientist in mental health, seminary graduate, and ordained minister, I have found that spiritual nourishment produces excellent mental health. Therefore, as a Bible scholar, I offer Bible-based spiritual advice supported by science to soothe the soul and psyche. If you are already in a good place, please feel free to explore this informational site and see what jewels you’ll discover!
Scroll down to see three of my past scheduled presentations for the American College of Surgeons and the American Psychological Association.
“God made the four young men smart and wise. They read a lot of books and became well educated” (Daniel 1:17, Contemporary English Version).